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by Chris Price

“This is a collection of fragments, outcasts and ideas from the sessions that produced Stop Talking. A lot of material that I love was left off of that album for one reason or another. Whether it was because the songs didn’t fit tonally or thematically, or the sonics didn’t match up, I found myself sitting on a pile of stuff that couldn’t find a home. I’m not sure if this is my new album or a companion piece to the last one (Disc 2, if you will). Maybe it’s both. I’ll let everyone else decide. All I know is I’m very proud of this work and I’m so happy to have it out there in the world instead of buried on a hard drive somewhere.”

RELEASED March 2nd, 2018

Produced, Engineered & Mixed by Chris Price

Additional Engineering by Fernando Perdomo, Emeen Zarookian, Tony Berg and Kyle Fredrickson

Mastered by Ian Doerr

All songs by Chris Price except "Fever Dream" & "Peculiar Lake Superior" by Chris Price/Alex Jules, "The Dream Is Over (But We're Just Waking Up)" by Chris Price/Taylor Locke, "Uncle John" and "The Angels Of Buena Vista" by Chris Price/Fernando Perdomo

1. Prelude

2. Sick Boy

3. Fever Dream

4. Roller Coaster

5. Breakfast Cruise

6. The Dream Is Over (But We're Just Waking Up)

7. Dalmatian (interlude)

8. Discount Love

9. I Won't Be Loved

10. Peculiar Lake Superior

11. Uncle John

12. I'll Follow Her Anywhere

13. The Angels Of Buena Vista